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The Complete Guide to Teaching Students with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism is a downloadable eBook designed to assist teachers in developing a set of teaching strategies specific to the student on the higher end of the "autism spectrum." This eBook is great for parents who homeschool their child, too.
Aspergers is a condition on the autism spectrum that generally encompasses high functioning children with autistic tendencies. A child with Aspergers (AS) or High-Functioning Autism (HFA) can have difficulty in school because – since he fits in so well – many adults may miss the fact that he has a diagnosis. When these children display symptoms of their disorder, they may be seen as defiant or disruptive. When teaching these "special needs" students, a teacher should be aware of their special needs and accommodate both her classroom and teaching strategy to support the students’ special needs.
Aspergers is a condition on the autism spectrum that generally encompasses high functioning children with autistic tendencies. A child with Aspergers (AS) or High-Functioning Autism (HFA) can have difficulty in school because – since he fits in so well – many adults may miss the fact that he has a diagnosis. When these children display symptoms of their disorder, they may be seen as defiant or disruptive. When teaching these "special needs" students, a teacher should be aware of their special needs and accommodate both her classroom and teaching strategy to support the students’ special needs.
Autism is a label – but a label is never helpful unless it helps you better support the student. Knowing what works and how to program is key. In The Complete Guide to Teaching Students with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism, teachers will obtain an in-depth understanding of what an AS or HFA student needs and how to support him or her.
Are you setting-up your student for success? Use the following checklist to see where your areas of strengths and weaknesses are:
If you can answer ‘yes’ to these questions, your teaching plan will be very successful with the AS or HFA student. If you answered ‘no’ to the items on this list, look toward improving that specific area.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
Are you setting-up your student for success? Use the following checklist to see where your areas of strengths and weaknesses are:
- Are your activities engaging and motivating for the AS or HFA student?
- Are your objectives, routines and rules clearly understood by him or her?
- Are your rules and routines posted clearly and stated positively?
- Do you always demonstrate respect for the student and value his contributions?
- Do you ensure you have her attention before starting?
- Do you give instructions and directions at the child’s level of need?
- Do you have a variety of rewards and consequences that are well known by the AS or HFA student?
- Do you have smooth transitions from one subject to another and when students return from recess or lunch?
- Do you pause when he/she interrupts?
- Do you promote self-esteem and confidence?
- Do you remember to have fun with her/him and provide humor when the opportunity presents itself?
- Have you considered the child’s learning style?
- Is your "special needs" student able to cope with assigned tasks?

If you can answer ‘yes’ to these questions, your teaching plan will be very successful with the AS or HFA student. If you answered ‘no’ to the items on this list, look toward improving that specific area.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
- Adjust your Strategies— If you have a child on the autism spectrum, adjust your teaching strategies to accommodate him. Many times, students with this disorder see things in a very concrete way. If the youngster raises his hand and the teacher responds that she will be with him in 5 seconds, he may very well announce when the 5 seconds have passed because of the concrete way he thinks. The teacher will have to learn to be precise in what she says and use concrete materials rather than abstract ideas whenever possible in her lessons.
- Create a Supportive Environment— It will be extremely important for a teacher of an AS or HFA student to create a supportive environment where he can thrive. If he is in an integrated classroom, this may mean helping the other students understand his special needs, pairing him with a buddy, and having a consistent predictable schedule as part of the daily classroom routine. The teacher may also want to create an area where the student can go to and calm down if he gets overwhelmed with a given activity.
- Plan Ahead— Students on the spectrum can have high levels of anxiety, which makes changes in routine and unpredictable events difficult for them to handle. A teacher should plan well ahead and give the child plenty of advanced notice if a change in routine will occur or a new subject will be taught.
- Test the Student— Children on the autism spectrum often display what is known as “splinter skills” (i.e., they may excel in one area, even beyond their age level, and yet severely delayed in other areas). For this reason, it is important for a teacher of a student diagnosed with the disorder to have him tested in all of his skill areas. It should not be taken for granted that a child who excels in math will also excel in reading.

Teaching strategies specific to the AS and HFA condition are essential for any teacher with such a student. The youngster has difficulty navigating social situations, and as a result, is often teased and used as a scapegoat in the classroom. In addition, he or she often has "odd" behaviors (e.g., clumsiness, being obsessive about a specific subject, insisting on routine, experiencing meltdowns, etc.). In spite of these challenges, there are many things that teachers can do with instructional practices, classroom accommodations, and behavioral interventions to promote success for the student on the spectrum.
Teaching the student to expect change, to be an active problem-solver, to gain skills in flexible thinking, and to manage anxiety builds a foundation for her/his future success in an unpredictable and uncertain world. In The Complete Guide to Teaching Students with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism, teachers will:
- gain a better understanding of the disorder
- gain insight into how the child acts in an academic setting
- learn effective educational interventions for the child
- learn the warning signs that the youngster is being overcome with frustration and about to experience a "meltdown"
- learn to treat the child in a more holistic manner
Chapters include:
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- A Six-Step Plan for Teachers
- IEP and ARD Documents
- Effective Teaching Strategies for AS and HFA Students
- Dealing with Tantrums & Meltdowns in the Classroom
- Specific Guidelines for Educators
- Teaching Social Skills
- Classroom Accommodations
- Complicating Factors and Their Solutions
- Using Social Stories as a Teaching Tool
- The Learning Style of AS and HFA Students
- AS and HFA Students and Poor Reading Comprehension
- Motivating the AS and HFA Student
- Helpful Hints for Everyday School Life
- How Parents Can Educate Teachers about AS and HFA
- Special Arrangements for Examinations
- The World of Aspergers: An Overview
- Special Considerations for the “Aspie”
- Preventing Meltdowns in Students on the Spectrum
- Helping AS and HFA Students Deal with Anger
- The Misunderstood Aspergers Child
- How to Relate to Students on the Autism Spectrum
- Aspergers Children and School Phobia
- Completing School Assignments on Time
- Classroom Challenges
- Counseling Students with Asperger Syndrome
- Dealing with Homework Problems
- Dealing with Discipline Problems
- Help For Aspergers Students Who Are Bullied
- Social Skills: Home & School
- Difficulty with “Theory of Mind” Skills
- The School Environment
- The IEP Process
Teacher's Coach: In addition to the eBook, you will also have access to me as your personal teacher's coach. Always feel free to email me as often as needed while you begin to implement your new teaching strategies. I can usually respond within 24 hours. My email address: mbhutten@gmail.com
eBooks for Educators Series: In addition to The Complete Guide to Teaching Students with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism, you will also receive these 23 additional eBooks from the eBooks for Educators Series:
- A New Agenda for Education
- Students with Aspergers in General Education Classrooms
- eBook for Aspergers Students Who Are Studying at Tertiary Level
- Aspergers Fact Sheet
- Aspergers in Higher Education
- Supporting Appropriate Behavior In Students with Aspergers
- Teaching Strategies for Students with Aspergers
- Aspergers and Education
- Asperger’s Syndrome: A Workshop for Teachers and Parents
- Aspergers: Children’s Mental Health Fact Sheet for the Classroom
- IEP Planning and Educational Recommendations for Children with Aspergers
- Teaching Students with Autism: A Resource Guide for Schools
- Supporting Students with Aspergers in General Education
- Strategies for Teaching College Students with Aspergers
- Information for Students with Aspergers: Equality – Access – Inclusion
- Understanding the Student With Aspergers: Guidelines for Teachers
- Supporting Students with Aspergers Who Present Behavioral Challenges
- Aspergers From A Student’s Point of View
- MATH Strategies Supporting Students with Aspergers
- The Use of Psychodrama Techniques for Students With Aspergers
- Viewpoints and Attitudes of Teachers Who Have Students With Aspergers
- Creating A Positive Elementary Environment For Asperger Children
Money-Back Guarantee: If you’re not satisfied with The Complete Guide to Teaching Students with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism after examining it for 30 days, just email me [mbhutten@gmail.com] and I’ll gladly refund your money – that’s how confident I am that these teaching strategies will help you in educating your challenging student.
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The Complete Guide to Teaching Students
with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism
for a one-time payment of only $19.00.
These "special needs" students exhibit significant social communicative difficulties, as well as other defining characteristics, which may severely impact their ability to function successfully in the school setting.
But, when given appropriate support strategies, through direct teaching and various accommodations and/or modifications, the youngster can learn to be successful in her unpredictable, sensory-overloading, socially-interactive world. It is critical that a team approach be utilized in addressing the unique and challenging needs of a child with the disorder -- with teachers being vital members of this team!
Armed with the information in The Complete Guide to Teaching Students with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism, teachers will begin to build on the child's strengths to help him modify his "out of the norm" behaviors and make a lot of positive contributions to the class. Having a student with the disorder in your class gives you the chance to show your students that people who have challenges can also have strengths -- that in looking past someone's quirks, you can find someone worth knowing -- that life is richer if you don't solely interact with children who are like clones of yourself.
Here are some more tips to get you started:
- Partitions around learning stations and computer centers are great for creating visual blocks on both sides of a student and can also cut down some noise.
- Classroom walls can be over-stimulating and “busy” with decoration. If visuals cannot be streamlined, at least keep them somewhat static so the student can become accustomed to them.
- Helping the student maintain some element of ‘structure’ during relatively ‘unstructured’ times can be quite helpful. For example, an alternative to being swallowed up by the lunchroom crowd would be to establish “lunch-time discussion” tables in a quieter corner of the cafeteria.
- Ensure that the student has advance knowledge of schedule changes outside of the routine, such as early dismissal or assemblies.
- Focus on natural lighting instead of fluorescent lights when possible, using fewer overhead lights or adding alternate lighting such as floor lamps.
- Give the student advance notice of fire-drill times so that he may brace himself for the noise. If he cannot tolerate it, small foam earplugs may help, or wearing iPod or MP3-player headphones may diffuse the noise.
- Hallways can become extremely noisy (e.g., the echo of footsteps, load conversation, etc.). Wherever possible, keep classroom doors shut.
- Numbering classroom rules as written reminders for the student is a good idea, but publicly displaying them on a desktop is stigmatizing. Tape them inside the student's notebook or binder and refer to them discreetly.
- The volume of the PA system in the room may be too loud. If it's possible to adjust the volume, this can help (same for the change-of-class bell).

Reader Reviews:
This is my first year teaching in a public school (5th grade), and I was ready and willing to accept help wherever I could find it. Then when I discovered I was going to have a student with Asperger Syndrome in my class, I looked for information on this disorder and ended up on your website. I downloaded your ebook, printed it out, and read it 3 times over the course of a few weeks (during my lunch breaks). I had researched AS on the Internet, but only found generic tips that were really not very applicable in “real-life” circumstances. But now that I have your “proven” strategies, I find myself to be a bit of an expert in teaching the child with an ASD. Thanks so much. -- Michael T.
I have always been looking for a book like this that shows how to deal effectively with students on the spectrum. Wish I had this information last year! Thank you sooo much. -- Tony
Reading your ebook refreshes my idea that I'm doing a good job as a special education teacher. I have incorporated many of the recommendations into my classroom with great results. I have used your teaching techniques to help me see each day as a new opportunity to help my Asperger child succeed. -- K.H.
I have just started your methods with the first Aspergers student I have ever had. These teaching tools are quite clear, and they are supporting him with his pre-school work. Thanks very much for this. Kind Regards. -- Kim
I was up until 2 o'clock in the morning. I couldn't put the ebook down. I have been so frustrated with one of my students, and I didn’t want to go through even one more day of being in the dark on how to get through to her. Great job. – Elizabeth, mathematics teacher
Hi Mark. I found your guide to teaching the HFA student to be really helpful. Thank you. – Julie
As a special education teacher, inspiring my "Aspie" is a major challenge. This ebook offered great suggestions that inspired me to try new things that are helping him realize he can be successful. Thanks for the inspiration! -- Mrs. Renee
Hey, I am having fabulous results because of you. I am a special ed teacher and have struggled too long trying to figure out how to get my Aspergers student to avoid melting down. Your info on meltdowns is priceless – and I use the methods everyday with Jonathan. I am very excited about what I have learned and do show-off my knowledge every chance I get with the other teachers. – Paula
It's so impressive to see the progress my ASD student has made over the last month. I will try to send you a video once she has made even more progress. Reading is now her favorite activity! Thank you for the program :) -- Janee
After teaching for 19 years, it is both inspiring and comforting to learn that you can “teach an old dog new tricks." Sometimes it helps to look beyond the problems that you have in your classroom and look at what you are doing yourself – and how what you do may not help change behavior. I felt inspired and empowered by your eBook. Parts of it affirmed what I held true about students with Asperger’s Syndrome, and other parts empowered me to make changes – even with my “neurotypical” students. Thanks! -- S.R.
I’m not a teacher in the public school but am currently doing homeschooling with my son. We pulled him out of regular school because the teachers seemed to be lost on how to help him. I would probably be making the same “teaching mistakes” were it not for your guide. Keep up the good work. – K. C., parent from Los Vegas
Your book is a “must read” for any teachers who want to fully understand Aspergers students. I only wish that I would have found your eBook sooner for my previous students with this disorder. The wonderful thing going on currently is that many of the other students take a real interest in helping Michael [the Aspergers student] learn to read, and during the process of helping him, they are actually becoming better readers themselves. Thanks for everything. – Teacher in Indianapolis, IN
The Complete Guide to Teaching Aspergers Students saved my sanity. I was at the point in my teaching career where I was having self-doubt whether I was making any real difference in my Aspergers students. Reading the Ebook and using some of the suggestions reinforced my decision to stay in the teaching profession. Thank you. -- Miss Wood
I was most impressed with the ebook and shall continue to use it with future AS students, especially those who find traditional techniques more difficult. So thank you for this help on behalf of those in our school who find working with Aspies difficult. -- Ruth Lowe, England
I have gained valuable experience with the new skills I have now in my possession thanks to your teacher’s guide. Already other teachers are asking me for help with their ASD students. I am really impressed and truly would be lost without these strategies specific to the Aspergers condition. -- Mr. Rick, Australia
I have far more confidence, skill and understanding of Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism now than before I discovered your guide. I had done a lot of research on this disorder, but could not find any real concrete, step-by-step methods for teachers – until now. There’s a lot of helpful information for parents but not much information for teachers. Thanks for your support and email correspondence. -- Andrew, grateful teacher in the U.K.
I teach middle school kids. I have a poster that reads "How can I make a difference?" above my desk in the classroom. I'm aware of my strengths and weaknesses like never before in my 9-year teaching career - all thanks to you! My Aspergers students LOVE the “Caught-You-Being-Successful” Award. The award-bucket was full on Friday. I am using them to reinforce their homework routines for reading comprehension. It is working like a dream! Thanks for sharing your expertise. -- Francis J.
Thanks for revealing the secrets to successfully educating the student with Asperger’s Syndrome. I have two students who are reaping the benefits of these insightful techniques. This is the most worthwhile investment I have made so far. More power to you. -- Terelou, teacher in New Zealand
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About the Author: Mark Hutten, M.A. is the creator of Online Parent Support. He is a parent-coach with more than 30 years’ experience. He has worked with hundreds of parents, children and teenagers with Aspergers and HFA, and presents workshops and runs training courses for parents and teachers who deal with Aspergers and HFA. Also, Mark is a prolific author of articles and ebooks on the subject.